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17 countries (English)- Tonon, G., Mikkelsen, C., Rodriguez de la Vega, L., & Toscano, W. (2016). Children’s views on their lives and well-being in 17 countries: Key messages from each country. Children’s Worlds, 8.

Argentina (Spanish)- Tonon, G. H., Mikkelsen, C. A., de la Vega, L. R., & Toscano, W. (2016). Investigar la calidad de vida con niños y niñas. Colección Científica UNICOM, 4(8).‏ 

Chile (Spanish)- Oyanedel, J. C., Alfaro, J., Varela, J., & Torres, J. (2014). ¿ Qué afecta el bienestar subjetivo y la calidad de vida de las niñas y niños chilenos? Resultados de la Encuesta Internacional sobre Bienestar Subjetivo Infantil. [What affects the subjective well-being and quality of life of Chilean children?] Santiago de Chile: LOM.

Chile (Spanish)- Alfaro, J., Guzmán, J., Oyarzún, D., Reyes, F., Sirlopú, D., & Varela, J. (2016). Bienestar subjetivo de la infancia en Chile en el contexto internacional [Subjective well-being of children in Chile in international context]. UDD Publicaciones.

Estonia (Estonian)- Soo, K., Kutsar, D. (2020). Kuidas elad, Eestimaa laps? Ülevaade 8–12-aastaste laste subjektiivsest heaolust. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli ühiskonnateaduste instituut.

Estonia (Estonian)- Kutsar, D., & Soo, K.  (2020). Eesti noorte subjektiivne heaolu ja toimevõimekus. [Subjective well-being and agency of youth in Estonia] Noorteseire aastaraamat 2019-2020. Noorte elu avamata küljed.: 7-28. Abstract in English on page 187. 

Estonia- Kutsar, D., Raid, K., & Soo, K. “ International Survey of Children’s Well-Being – an opportunity to develop child-centred statistics.” Quarterly Bulletin of Statistics Estonia1 (2018/1): 21−28.

Estonia- Kutsar, D., & Raid, K,, eds. Children’s Subjective Well-Being in Local and International Perspectives. Tallinn: Statistics Estonia, 2019. 

Romania (Romanian)- Bălțătescu, S., & Bacter, C. (2015). Bunăstarea văzută prin ochii copiilor români: rezultatele studiului internaţional “Lumea copiilor” (ISCWeB) [Well-being through the eyes of the children. Results of the international study Children’s Worlds (ISCWeb)], Oradea, Cluj-Napoca: Editura Universității din Oradea, Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană.

Spain (English)- UNICEF Spain (2012). Children’s well-being from their own point of view. What affects the children’s well-being in the first year of Compulsory Secondary Education in Spain?, UNICEF Spain, Madrid. (Executive Summary)

UK (English)- Pople, L., Raws, P., Mueller, D. Mahony, S., Rees, G. Bradshaw, J., Main, G. & Keung, A. (2014) The Good Childhood Report 2014. Report. The Children’s Society , London.

UK (English)- Pople, L.Rees, G.Main, G., & Bradshaw, J. (2015) The Good Childhood Report 2015. Report. The Children’s Society , London.